Monday, March 23, 2009

President Obama On "Tonigh's Show"

Obama Talks to Leno!

President Obama became the first sitting president to appear on a late night talk show. But he handled it well and managed to land a few jokes with host Jay Leno while keeping it real about the current economic crisis facing the nation.

Leno will surely see a ratings boost if the lines that formed outside the Los Angeles studio are any indication of interest in the commander-in-chief’s appearance. Some folks camped outside almost 24 hours to get a shot at being in the audience.

While the president didn’t break any news, he did confirm the progress on the “first pooch,” giving a timeline of early April when the family returns from Europe. “When we get back, the dog will be in place,” Obama said. Admitting to the old adage, he joked, “They say if you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”

During his appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” Obama’s dress was presidential, wearing a red tie and his American flag pin. He walked out to thunderous applause.

Keeping the interview light and yet serious, Obama addressed the government bailout of AIG. “The immediate bonuses that went to AIG are a problem,” he admitted. “But the larger problem is we’ve got to get back to an attitude where people know enough is enough.”

As for adjusting to the personal side of life in the White House, Obama is having a basketball hoop added, he told Leno.

Obama’s visit to California included a tour of the Edison Electric Vehicle Technical Center in Pomona, Calif., where he spoke to workers. Following the tour he visited the Miguel Contreras Learning Center in Los Angeles where he held a town hall meeting with local residents.

California is faced with a 10 percent unemployment rate and budget short falls. That could be why he was joined by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis. California was able to keep the state up and running with stimulus dollars allotted in the American Recovery Act.

The White House scheduled the president’s appearance on the late night talk show as part of a targeted outreach to fill folks in on his economic agenda. Leno follows the prez’s appearance on ESPN’s “SportsCenter” where he made his NCAA Final Four picks and previews his appearance on “60 Minutes” Sunday and his prime-time news conference Tuesday.

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